Pratiksha Mainkar
She will be at the airport with her Kindle and a magazine in one hand, rushing from store to store, looking for a bag of jelly beans. Look past her spectacles and notice the twinkle in her eyes and the freshness of her smile. Don’t interrupt her when she is reading, she’ll get annoyed. Fall in love with how she twirls her hair and bites her nails as she reads. Offer her the Wi-Fi password because she’ll always be in the middle of downloading a book. Don’t be disheartened if the book gets more consideration than you. Discuss your reading wish list if you want to get her attention. Watch her animatedly describe her loveable exasperation of never finding time to read more books.

Date a girl who reads, she’ll believe in you no matter what the odds are.

Take her on long walks and to big bookstores. Don’t get tired of waiting when she takes hours to select books. Buy her a book store card instead of fancy dresses and hats. She’ll find it difficult to differentiate between reality and stories. Teach her to do so with examples on idle afternoons. When she cries at the end of a tragic book or if a character dies, console her. Don’t tell her it is not real. For her the story is real, at least in her mind. Make her coffee and give her the warmth of your affection. Don’t be jealous of her male friends. Your competition is not them but the array of male characters in her favourite books.

Date a girl who reads, she is like a wild fire on a snowy winter night.

She’s going to try to make her life like her favourite book. Take her to the old cobbled streets of the city where her favourite thriller was set. Don’t appear bored when she wants to visit obscure shops and forgotten streets she read about somewhere. She’ll know about many cities from stories she might have read as a kid. Let her plan the trip and offer to drive around to visit country cottages and houses of famous writers. Write her short love letters and hide them in her purse and in her books. She’ll whisper Keats and Whitman into your ears when you dance slowly at a wedding. Make her smile with anecdotes of famous monuments and arrange for trips to secret tunnels under old churches. 

Date a girl who reads, she’ll accept you as you are.

She’ll appreciate that all great characters have flaws and that no love story is perfect. She’ll understand your self-doubt as she does of Aragon, your inability to express feelings like Mr. Darcy and your cynicism as she does of Rhett Butler. She’ll be patient with you as she is with a lengthy book. Buying her presents will not be easy. She’ll want particular first editions, the Oriental silver jewellery box she read about, maybe pearl earrings like the protagonist of a novel. She’ll keep stubs of movies tickets she liked watching with you, soft issues with your name on it and other souvenirs. She is creating her story remember. Give her your grandma’s old emerald locket and buy her a vintage blue bag.
Date a girl who reads, she’ll open up your mind to a world of endless possibilities.

Get her healthy snacks to munch on and warm socks while she reads. She’ll have a perspective on politics, slavery and even cannibalism perhaps. Dates with her will be full of random anecdotes and lengthy discussions on everything under the sun. Feel free to discuss grey areas and your ethical conundrums to get her unbiased opinion. Hold her hand when she gets bored in shallow discussions and unnecessary parties. Stand by her when she defends a villainous character. Her understanding of people is far more complex just as she understands the characters in books. She’ll remember the minute statistics of your football team, will set up treasure hunts for your birthday gifts and will bake muffins from a recipe she read in a magazine.

Date a girl who reads, for a life full of wonderful tiny stories. She will make you a part of her adventure and will always keep you on your toes. And when all the magic is long gone, she’ll know how to start the story again.